How to pack your Christmas decoration for the move?
In fact, you can ask yourself this question if you plan to move to a new home soon after the end of the vacation. Or, if you need to pack holiday decorations that are already stored, simply because after the last holiday season ended, you did not even think about packing them so that they survive in the residential movement. Here are some practical tips on how to pack Christmas decorations that will help you keep a festive mood, even after moving long distances.Get the right packaging for your Christmas decorations
Original packaging. The best way to keep holiday decorations on the road is to pack them in the original packaging in which you bought them. It is no secret that the original packaging provides the best protection. Not only for your precious Christmas decorations, but for any other fragile household items that you have. That is why the original packaging should always be on your list of moving supplies. Cardboard boxes. You don’t need to worry if you don’t keep the original storage containers, as there are always good packaging options for fragile items. Look for small and medium-sized cardboard boxes in good condition, make sure they are durable, clean and dry. Shoe boxes are never a bad choice. But the best option for this is the boxes with individual cardboard partitions for each decoration. Plastic tanks. Plastic containers are ideal to pack your Christmas decoration when moving. Especially if they have dividers, for example, boxes of liquor. The strength of plastic boxes ensures that your valuable decorations will not be broken while moving.
Pack your Christmas decoration in the right way
Having received the necessary packaging materials, it is time to do business. Of course, the easiest way is to take reliable packing services Texas and move without worries. But, if you want to do it yourself, there is a way. Follow these simple steps to learn how to pack a Christmas decor to move safely.Step 1. Sort your decorations
In fact, it makes no sense to spend precious time on packing and transferring Christmas decorations that you no longer like. Or broken, worn, scratched or even badly outdated, which already proudly served their original purpose. Your impending move is the perfect time to get rid of all extra decor once and for all. Throw away your already broken parts and give away a good decor that no longer suits your taste.Step 2. Fasten your strings of Christmas lights
There is no one universal way to pack Christmas lights in such a way that you don’t find them in a confusing spaghetti-like mess after moving. Probably the best way to pack is to use special plastic spindles to wrap the lights, but they are not free. Another good way is to use empty tubes for wrapping paper or empty rolls for kitchen paper. Wrap the cords of light outside the tubes so that they do not get tangled.Step 3. Wrap the Christmas balls and other extremely breakable items
The trick of packing is to use a lot of wrapping paper and enough bubble wrap for your most delicate decorations. Do not wind the jewelry directly on the bubble wrap, as the latter may stick to them and damage them. Especially if you move on hot summer days. Instead, use extra soft wrapping paper first. Then put a protective layer of bubble wrap between the pieces that you have already wrapped. Finally, carefully place the Christmas decorations in a suitable storage container.Step 4. Protect your wrapped Christmas decorations
After you have safely collected your cherished decorations in boxes of all shapes and sizes, make sure that you fill the remaining space inside each container with shredded paper or bubble wrap or even both. This is an important step that will prevent absolutely any movement inside moving boxes. A movement that may be too much for your decorative items.Step 5. Do not save on black markers
It is important that you write the contents of each packed box on its side for easy identification. Not only after the move, but also before Christmas, when you need decorations. This improvised list of what can be found inside each container will save you a lot of time later. Therefore, do not skip this marking step.