Panic is your enemy
First of all, remember to breathe. Some of you who read this want not to spend too much time packing. But others need to pack up and move in a short time, and that's fine. Don’t worry, others have already done it, so it is possible. You can pack your home in a day. It all depends on you. Therefore, you can make it work. The key is to keep calm and go step by step. If you move locally, even better. But even if you move long distances, it is possible. You just need a bigger cup of coffee.Make a checklist for packing your home in a day
A good checklist is the biggest help when packing. Write down everything. Things you need to do and packing materials you need to get. Sort your items into three groups: packing items, donation items, or recycling items and things you don’t need to pack. A good checklist will help you keep track of your priority packing goals. Write down when specific tasks should be performed and where things should go. Therefore, it will also serve as a reminder if you forget something. It’s up to you how much detailed you want it to be. Besides, your checklist can be an important part of maintaining motivation and performing all tasks on time, especially when you are packing your home in a day.The organization is the key
Before you begin to fill the boxes randomly and pull out the bubble wrap, you should arrange everything that you pack. Do not miss anything and do not leave for later; everything needs to go somewhere. Remember the three groups we mentioned earlier? Well, now is the time to make these three heaps. And as soon as you finish, you have to make a few piles that you do not pack. Sort the items you recycle, the ones you want to donate, and the ones you throw away. Put each item in the appropriate pile.Be ruthless when decluttering
A short-term moving to Texas can actually be a hidden blessing. The ticking of the clock means that you need to be more decisive about what remains and what goes. It is time to be ruthless and make quick decisions. When you take something, the best way is to follow your intuition. Deep down, you know what things you will not use again. If it is still in good condition, find a place to donate it. Otherwise, throw it away and do not question your decisions. Our advice is to bag things that you will dispose of along the way. Consequently, you will not be tempted to try to return something.
Packing materials
Before you begin packing, you need to determine which and how many packing materials you need. Then you must purchase them or use what you can get for free. All materials must be ready before the day of packing. That way you won’t waste time when packing your home in a day. Here is what you need:- Cardboard boxes of several sizes
- Plastic containers if you plan to use them for Texas storage later
- Tape
- Scissors
- Labeling stickers
- Permanent markers
- Bubble wrap
- Wrapping paper or newsprint
- Rope or twine
- Felt pads to protect floors when moving large furniture
- Basic cleaning supplies
So, what is the most efficient way of packing your home in a day
The key to effective packing is the same as any other job. Get rid of everything that distracts you. First of all, set the start time of the packing. It would be great to start early in the morning when you are fresh and focused. Make sure you get enough sleep and have a big breakfast. And remember, remove all distractions while packing the boxes. Turn off the TV and leave your phone. Music can help you stay motivated and focused.Loading boxes
As soon as you reach this stage, you should already have a bunch of sorted items in each room. Now start loading the boxes. Use smaller for bulky items and larger for light items. Also, do not leave the room until everything is packed. To treat yourself, take a proper break between each room. Remember to drink plenty of water and have a snack. You need the energy to finish that packing.Wrapping paper
Make sure you get a lot of newsprint or wrapping paper. Use wrapping paper to create air pockets between objects. Here are a couple of examples. When packing plates, use one sheet for 4-5 plates depending on the size. You can use one sheet for 2-4 glasses depending on the size and shape. Start by rolling the middle glass, then glue the glass on each end and fold the rest. Packing will be faster, and you will use less paper.